Do you see through the eyes? |
Have you ever met that one person who could make such an impact on your life? Well i did..Some time ago i was invited for dinner by a friend, a simple, humble, grateful, beautiful individual who made me ponder on the question of why? ohhh whyy? do i and many of us bloggers care so much on material possessions? i really wish i could be the girl who walks out of the door dressing effortlessly, makeup less, opinion caring less and brand less. Is this really what defines me and you? sadly i think to some extent it does...you may not want to believe it but just imagine yourself without any "beautifying" possessions (I'm talking really dodgy style) i know i would feel pretty crap. However its contradictory because i admire the dodgy styled girl as to me she depicts purity.
So after much pondering Ive decided to start on a little voyage to simplicity :)
Indeed this will be a difficult voyage for such a shopaholic like me, hence Ive started reading the novel "No Logo" written by Naomi Klein in order to persuade myself that Brand names are for pathetic marketing victims (like myself)^_^ (i mean don't you realise paying an extra $40 for the letters CK sewn onto a t-shirt is manipulative?)
Id like to share with you some photos taken by my favourite photographer Steve McCurry who captures emotions through his lens... for some reason these pictures touch me as it almost seems as though you can feel the hope, sadness and despair through the eyes of these girls from both poverty and the aftermath of civil war.
I hope by staring into these girls eyes your heart is enlightened to take a step and donate a little to Human appeal international to make this a better world (Nadiah sings Michael Jacksons' "heal the world") :) "Never mind searching for who you are. Search for the person you aspire to be". Robert Brault
"One may understand the cosmos, but never the ego; the self is more distant than any star". G.K. Chesterton